Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, November 23, 2023
The Sky Will Darken and Everything Will Begin to Shake and the Clouds from the Sky Will Send Down Hail and in the Hearts of Men Will Begin to Tremble and Believe at Last That I Am the One and Only True God!
Republishing of Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 10, 2013

It will all start in November, it will all start on a Friday!!!
The sky will darken and everything will begin to shake and the clouds from the sky will send down hail and in the hearts of men will begin to tremble and finally believe that I am the One and Only True God! Yes! I will cause every single heart to tremble and I will set it to follow Me because I will speak to the hearts of My children and they will recognize Me.
Beloved children, not all that is to come will be harmful to this unbelieving and perverse humanity but will come for the benefit of all those who until now have not believed in Me.
I will thunder My Voice in the hearts of My children, I will shake them from the sleep they are living; I will open their eyes, and they will see Me as I AM!!!
It is the Passover of the Lord, O men!
Behold He comes to take possession of everything that belongs to Him, He comes to take His own with Himself and make them enter into His Divinity, so that never again can they be lost.
What God would fail to call His children back, what Father would allow without any warning to make His children repent of the danger that hangs over them?
My children, summer is near, the fig tree is already in blossom, soon you will eat of it and be filled with Me "if" you are converted to Me.
You will be filled with light and you will obey in the Divine Majesty of your God Love, everything past will be forgotten when Heaven opens to you the New Jerusalem on Earth.
Now, O people all, now, O children of Israel, cling to My Chest so that no evil can drag you away from Life. Courage, My blessed souls, mislead sin and channel yourselves in the ways of Eternal Love, God is there, God Exists, He LIVES!!! And He LIVES within each one of you! Caress this His Love in you and come to His Holy Altar to accompany Him by uniting with Him in the Blessed Sacrament.
I have foreseen every move of the adversary, I will not fail My target, My Justice will be great, I will save My people! Come on, My children, the hour has come to return to Me, to gather you all in Me, the Sun will shine eternally for My children, New Heavens and New Earth are ready for them, where the blaze of Love Reigns!!!
Sanctify yourselves in Me, My children, I await your return to take you away from war and destruction, from the misery and wickedness of Satan.
Go ahead! The clock is ticking! The hour becomes the minute and the minute the second!
At the flap of wings everything will precipitate and hell will come on earth.
Renounce sin, O men, claim Love and return to Love to enjoy joyful and eternal life.
Take courage, I come to your rescue, call upon Me and I will be with you!
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Source: ➥